On Thursday I saw the screening of the documentary ‘One Water’ sponsored by the Forum of Global Health and Human Rights of Columbia University. Though [I] don’t personally don’t see much international outrage about water contamination, water privatization, or water preservation, it is apposite to remember that in many parts of the world access to clean water-even in small quantities-is as much of a privilege as getting an education or having healthcare. The concept of water scarcity may be to grasp, as all people reading this blog have access to clean, abundant water 24 hours a day -though some of us may have a different experience. But I want you to stare into space, or close your eyes, and imagine going 2, 3 miles with 2 empty gallons or a water pot in your head, uphill, downhill, hot weather, maybe not much to eat, then come back, same distance, but this time carrying the water again uphill, downhill. You will use the water for cooking, drinking, hygiene. You must go back if you misuse it or it just wasn’t enough. This scenario is not an exaggeration or is meant to make you feel guilty. But the truth is that we- the ones that have access to pristine- waste it, a lot.
Have you ever found yourself doing this?
1. Taking 20 min shower?
2. Having a leaking faucet for days?
3. Flushing the toilet without using it?
4. Have you been to a water park?
5. Do you live in a city with several water fountains?
6. Have you ever used fire hydrants during the summer?
Some of these are beyond our control [?] but what we can do is be more mindful of how we use and waste water. I think it also depends on your background. Typically, people who did not have the advantages of rich powerful nations tend to be more conservative in the way the use their resources. Others that had all resources at their disposal tend to forget how valuable these resources are.
[Q] what are some ways in which you conserve water?
There has been protests in some parts of the world about the privatization of water, below is a link to a very touching commercial from the company PUR,
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